010 Legally Blonde (2001)
This week we change it up and talk about a different kind of movie. A certain legal comedy that came out in 2001 called Legally Blonde! (Anyone who says it’s a rom-com is wrong, sorry, we don’t make the rules.)
Austin’s girlfriend, Leanna, makes her podcast debut and talks about what this movie meant to her as a child. Austin and Jorge also reminisce on their childhood and how boys tend to hate things meant for women without even giving them a chance. We learn new words like, “femmephobia“ and terms like “respectability politics,” the hurdles that Reese Witherspoon went through to be respected in Hollywood, talk about whether or not Legally Blonde is a feminist film, and the problem with Enid.
Also, stay tuned for our deep dive on Enrique and Chuck’s relationship. Enjoy!
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